Friending on Bizverse Social

Adding friends

Find and add a friend on Bizverse Social

To find and add a friend:

  1. Click the search bar in the top of any Bizverse Social page.

Accept and decline a friend request

Unfriending or Blocking Someone


To unfriend someone:

  1. Go to that person's profile by typing their name into the search bar at the top of Bizverse Social.

  2. Click Yes to unfriend.


When you block someone they will no longer be able to do things such as tag you or see things you post on your timeline. To see what happens when you block someone, click here

To block someone

  1. Go to that person's profile by typing their name into the search bar at the top of Bizverse Social.

  2. Click Confirm to block.

Blocked list and Un-Block

To see who you’ve blocked:

  1. Select General Settings.

  2. On the right side, click Blocked Users.

  3. In the Block Users section, you’ll see a list of people you’ve blocked on Bizverse Social. From here, you can Unblock someone by clicking Un-Block under the name of the person you’d like to unblock.

Last updated