Event Settings

Share posts

You can share posts on your event page with full utilities like on your profile.

Edit Event details

  1. Make your changes and click Save.

Editing limits

What you can edit:

  • Event name

  • Date and time

  • Location of the event

  • Event description

If you need to edit something that can't be changed, you'll need to cancel your event and make it again.

Update Event cover

  1. Click on the icon, browse to your cover picture. For best results, choose photos that are 1200x628 pixels (about a 2:1 ratio).

  2. Choose your photo and reposition it if you like, then click Save.

Note: You can't edit the size of a main photo after it's been added to an event. If this is a public event, anyone who views the event can see its photos. Photos posted on private events are only visible to people who were invited.

Invite friends/followers to your Event

If you're a host of an event, you can invite your friends to the event.

Cancel an Event

Once you've deleted an event, you won't be able to restore the event. If you delete an event by accident, you must create a new event.

To cancel or delete your event:

Note: When you delete an event, everything will be deleted and no one will be able to post.

Last updated