
Register to give gifts on the system

  1. Create your business on Bizverse Social before registering to give gifts. (See how to create a new business at Creating a new business).

  2. Information about Gift will display as follows:

5. Choose the type of Gift:

  • NFTs: Choose NFTs from My Inventory. The selected NFTs as gifts cannot be used anymore.

  • VRA: The number of VRA selected as gifts will be deducted from Game Wallet. In case the wallet does not have enough VRA, the business has to pay more money.

  • Gift Card: Select a gift card template from the system and enter promotional information. Businesses can optionally add VRA to their Gift card.

Gift Manager

After successfully registering to give gifts on the system, User Business will have their gift config part. Includes setting parameters:

  • The time for the gift to appear.

  • The number of gifts appearing corresponds to the timeline.

  • This section will also show a notification about the number of gifts the player has collected, the number of gift cards redeemed.

Last updated