
Creating a Bizverse Social Page

Pages are for businesses, brands, organizations, and public figures to share their stories and connect with people. Like profiles, Pages can be customized with stories, events, and more. People who like or follow a Page can get updates in News Feed.

  1. Click to choose a Category.

  2. Fill out the required information.

  3. Click Create

After creating an event, you can share posts, add a profile photo & cover, update page information, add admin to help you manage the page, or you can delete your page if you want.

Note: Anyone can create a Page, but only official representatives can create a Page for an organization, business, brand, or public figure.

Creating a Bizverse Social Group

To create a group:

  1. Enter your Group name, your Group URL.

  2. Select the Group type. If you selected private, select whether to make your group private or public.

  3. Choose a group Category and introduce your group in the About box.

  4. Click Create

Once you create your group, you personalize it by uploading a cover photo and adding a description.

Note: We recommend that group admins share any commercial or business affiliations in the group and update the group if affiliations change. You can update the group by changing the group description and making an announcement.

Group type

You can see if a group is public or private in the About section of the group.

To see if a group is public or private:

  1. From your News Feed, click Groups in the left menu and select your group.

  2. You can see the group info panel in the left menu and privacy level you’ll see Public or Private.

Creating an Event on Bizverse Social

To create an event:

  1. Enter your event's Name (should be more than 10 characters), Description (should be more than 32 characters), Location.

  2. Choose the Start Date and End Date of the event.

  3. Upload event's Cover.

  4. Click Publish.

After creating an event, you can share posts, invite guests, add a cover photo, and edit event details.

Note: Only Pages, not personal profiles, can create recurring events.

Last updated