Account & Profile Settings

Every Bizverse E-Class account includes a profile page where you can share information about yourself. This article outlines how learners can create and edit their Bizverse E-class profile.

How to Edit Your Profile

To edit your profile, move your cursor to your initials or profile image at the top right of the page and click on your name in the drop-down menu. If you’re logged into your Bizverse account, you can also head to your profile page directly via this link.

How to Upload Your Profile Picture

To upload (or edit) your profile picture, click Photo on the left-hand side of your Profile page. Then choose an image from your computer to upload. Once it’s uploaded, you can crop it, if necessary, and then click Save.

How to View Your Profile

If you wish to see how your profile will appear to other students and instructors, simply click View Public Profile on the left hand side of your Profile page.

Editing Your Privacy Settings

You can access your privacy settings, and set whether you wish to have your profile visible to logged in students and instructors on the Privacy page. In addition, you can also set whether you wish to share what courses you’re enrolled in on this page.

Only students and instructors who are logged into their Bizverse E-Class accounts can view another student’s account profile. Profiles of instructors with published courses can be viewed by students and instructors when they are logged in and logged out.

Your privacy settings can be accessed by clicking on Privacy on the left-hand side of your Profile page. To make your profile or enrolled courses private, simply click on the checkmark beside each option and click Save.

Last updated